Cartoon diagram of CTA1 and CTA2 showing residues proposed to interact
with ARF6. Only residues 196–226 of CTA2 are shown, in gray.
Subdomains of CTA1 are colored light green (globular A11,
1–132), orange (extended bridge A12, 133–161), and blue
(globular hydrophobic A13, 162–192). The loop (41–56)
that partially occludes the active site is shown in green. Individual
residues that affected interaction of CTA1 with ARF6 are colored red,
and among these the side chains of the aromatic residues are shown in
stick format. Residues 40 and 99 that have only partial effects on ARF
interaction are colored cyan. Residues where enzyme-inactivating
substitutions (R7K, E110D + E112D) were made in parental constructs are
shown in black. (A) Individual residues are identified
by number. The arrow denotes the point of view for (B),
down the axis of the A2 α helix.