Cluster analysis of PAI genes. The subset of 362 strain-specific genes
was used to generate a dendogram of both the strains and the genes
based on the presence or absence of genes. The strains and genes were
grouped by average hierarchical clustering using the
cluster program and the output displayed using the
treeview program. The portion of the cluster containing the
PAI genes is shown where the presence (blue) or absence (yellow) of
genes is indicated. Genes within the PAI (purple) and genes with
homology to OMPs (blue), restriction modification genes (green), or no
homology (black) are indicated. (Left) Dendogram of
genes that cocluster with the PAI genes, with the Pearson correlation
coefficients. Above the cluster is the dendogram of H.
pylori strains, based on all strain-specific genes, with the
Pearson correlation coefficients. The entire cluster is available as
Table 4, which is published as supplemental data on the PNAS web site