Figure 3.
Behavioral analysis of mutant mice. Representative raster plotted actograms (Left) and corresponding periodograms (Right) for the LD12:12 portions of experiments rd/rd; mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2− (A), mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2− (B), and rd/rd (C) mice. Lighting condition is summarized by the shaded bar to the right of the actogram. Gray represents 10-lux lighting, white represents 100 lux, and black represents total darkness. The significance line for periodograms is at P < 0.001. (D–F) Distribution of daily activity in LD12:12. Hourly fractions of accumulated daily wheel turns were calculated for rd/rd; mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2− (diamonds), mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2− (squares), and rd/rd (triangles) for all LD12:12 lighting conditions (D), 100 lux (E), and 10 lux (F). Data are represented as mean ± standard error: rd/rd; mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2−, n = 5, total LD12:12 animal-recording days = 54; mCry1−/mCry1−; mCry2−/mCry2−, n = 2, total LD12:12 animal-recording days = 22; rd/rd, n = 2, total LD12:12 animal-recording days = 26.