FIG. 1.
Viability of starved cells incubated with aeration. Strain ENZ535 (= MG1655) (wt) was inoculated 1:500 (time zero) into MOPS medium with a limited amount of glucose (A), ammonium (B), or Pi (C) and incubated with aeration for 14 days. The media with limited amounts of ammonium and Pi contained 10, 20 (○), 30 (□), or 40 (▵) mM glucose. The numbers of CFU were determined on LB medium plates containing catalase; the double-headed arrows indicate the increases in the number of CFU/ml due to the inclusion of catalase. Parentheses indicate that no CFU were detected when 20-μl portions of the cultures were directly plated. The values are the means ± standard deviations for two independent cultures representative of several determinations.