GC profiles of volicitin-induced volatiles in various genotypes.
(A) At 10-days-old, seedlings were cut above the root,
immediately immersed in a volicitin solution, and kept in complete
darkness for 12 h. Volatiles were collected from treated seedlings
in a special chamber provided with artificial light and purified air.
GC profiles are for volatiles from wild type (Stc1-McC),
the Ac insertion mutation stc1-m6087, and
the deletion mutation sh-bz-X2. The unique peak in wild
type is indicated by an arrow. This experiment was repeated three times
with the same result. (B) Time course production of the
Stc1-McC-specific compound from wild-type seedlings. The
induction treatment was the same as above. (C) MS
identification of the Stc1-McC-specific compound. The
unique peak in the Stc1-McC GC was analyzed by MS. The
MS spectrum of the Stc1-McC-specific compound matched
that of the sesquiterpenoid naphthalene,
from the chemical database (Inset).