E2-HVR1 amplified PCR products analyzed by denaturing PAGE. Lanes: 1, 2, 7, 8, and 16, molecular markers; 3, 9, and 13, 176-bp and 179-bp positive controls; 4, result for patient 17 (genotype 1b; cryoglobulin negative) showing two bands corresponding to mutated (insertion of 9 nt; 185 bp) and wild-type (176 bp) HVR1 amplicons; 5 and 6, results for patients 16 and 22 (wild-type genotype 1b); 10, result for patient 169 (genotype 2a/c; cryoglobulin positive) showing a single band of mutated HVR1 (insertion of 15 nt; 191 bp); 11 and 12, results for patients 6 and 8 (wild-type genotype 2a/c); 14, 15, and 17 to 20, results for patients with wild-type E2-HVR1 (176 bp); and 21, result for patient 183 (genotype 2a/c; cryoglobulin negative) showing two bands, one of which has an insertion of 9 nt (185 bp). M, molecular marker; C+, positive control (176 and 179 bp). Arrows indicate products from patients with mutated HVR1 fragments; the circle indicates fragments including one of the outer primers. Molecular sizes are indicated on the left.