FIG. 5.
PrPd in the spleen and Peyer's patches after e.n. inoculation. (A) PrPd is restricted to a single lymphoid follicle in the white pulp of the spleen of a hamster 14 weeks after e.n. inoculation. (B) High-power view of the area outlined in the box in panel A. PrPd is in, or on, cells and cell processes located between the lymphocytes. (C) PrPd in a Peyer's patch from a hamster 20 weeks after e.n. inoculation. (D) High-power view of the area outlined in the box in panel C. PrPd is in, or on, cells and cell processes located between the lymphocytes. Bars: A, 200 μm; B, 50 μm; C, 100 μm; D, 25 μm.