FIG. 2.
LPS administration does not induce S100B expression in persistently infected brain. LPS was intraperitoneally administrated to BDV-infected rats at 5 weeks p.i., and the brains were collected 24 or 48 h after the injection. (A) Induction of IL-1β expression in LPS-injected bat brains. Amounts of IL-1β were measured with an ELISA kit. Ct, PBS-injected control rats; Mock, age-matched mock-infected rats. An n of 3 was used for the statistical analyses. (B) Expressions of S100B and GFAP were detected by immunoblotting. The brain homogenates were obtained from the cerebellum regions at 48 h after LPS injection. The quantitative analysis of S100B expression is also shown. The band intensities were determined by NIH image. Values were normalized to the tubulin level (*, P < 0.05 with PBS-injected control [Ct] rats). (C) Immunohistological analysis of S100B expression in the cerebellum regions of LPS- or PBS-treated (Control) rats. Magnification, ×200. Mock, age-matched mock-infected rats. (D) RAGE expression in LSP-injected animal brains. The quantitative analysis of RAGE expression is also shown. The band intensities were determined by NIH image. Values were normalized to the tubulin level. (*, P < 0.05 with PBS-injected control [Ct] rats).