Fig. 1.
Social networks in long-tailed manakins. (Left Top–Bottom and Right Top and Middle) Subnetworks in successive 2-year timeblocks. (Right Bottom) The cumulative network (1989–1998) for 95 males and 61 females. Early connectivity, assessed by the network metric information centrality, predicts later fate. Circles (nodes), colored by category, represent individuals, and lines (undirected, unweighted links) represent social interactions at lek display perches. Node size (males only) represents information centrality, which is defined in the text. In Left Top–Bottom and Right Top and Middle, node size represents information centrality relative to males of the same category in that subnetwork. In Right Bottom, node size represents information centrality in each male's last timeblock adjusted by the mean in that subnetwork. White symbols (X, triangle, asterisk, and enclosed or enclosing square) track four individual males through time. Note that, as successful alphas (Right Bottom), all four tracked males had moderate information centrality. The number of banded females linked to alpha males is a reasonable proxy for male mating success.