Fig. 1.
Antibodies to Strep. pneumoniae surface molecule in randomly chosen healthy adults. Sera from healthy adults were analysed by Western blot analysis for the presence of anti Strep. pneumoniae surface protein antibodies with Strep. pneumoniae fractionated surface molecules. (a) Cell wall (CW) lectin-like molecules. (b) CW proteins that did not adhere to the fetuin column. (c) Membrane (M) lectin-like molecules. (d) Fetuin nonadherent M molecules. MW: molecular weight markers. Lanes 1–8 represent probing with sera from eight different healthy adults. Only bands corresponding to teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid (around 20 kD) could be identified on Western blots prepared from proteinase K digested CW and M fractions (data not shown).