Figure 4.
REST/NRSF exhibited significant reduction on ICP4 promoter activity and the REST/NRSF-mediated repression was reversed by HDAC inhibitor TSA. A. Stable 293HEK cells containing pICP22 (293HEK-pICP22) was transfected with control plasmid, pFLAG-REST, or pCMVp73 in the presence (white bar) or absence (black bar) of 100 nM TSA. 1. transfected with control plasmid. 2. transfected with 1 μg of pFLAG-REST. 3. transfected with 1 μg of pCMVp73. The P values represent Student's t tests in pairwise comparisons to the control without TSA. B. Stable 293HEK cells containing pICP4 (293HEK-pICP4) was transfected with control plasmid, pFLAG-REST, or pCMVp73 in the presence (white bar) or absence (black bar) of 100 nM TSA. 1. transfected with control plasmid. 2. transfected with 1 μg of pFLAG-REST. 3. transfected with 1 μg of pCMVp73. The P values represent Student's t tests in pairwise comparisons to the control without TSA. C. Effect of TSA on REST/NRSF and p73 transcriptions in 293HEK-pICP4. M: 100 bp ladder. 1. Transfected with 1 μg control plasmid. 2. Transfected with 1 μg pFLAG-REST. 3. Transfected with 1 μg pCMVp73. 4. Transfected with 1 μg control plasmid with 100 nM TSA. 5. Transfected with 1 μg pFLAG-REST with 100 nM TSA. 6. Transfected with 1 μg pCMVp73 with 100 nM TSA. The cDNA from REST/NRSF and actin were marked by arrows.