Multiplex genotype determination at 28 marker loci
(listed in Table 1
) for
the lesions microdissected from breast tissues of the two patients. NT,
normal tissue; DH, ductal hyperplasia; ADH, atypical ductal
hyperplasia; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; IC,
invasive carcinoma; M, mixture of PCR products separately amplified
from the 28 loci in corresponding heterozygous DNA samples used as
molecular markers. Bands representing different alleles are
distinguished by “−1” and “−2.” Alleles for the loci with LOH
are indicated by boxed numbers. The confirming panel is for
confirmation of the results from the loci showing LOH in patient 2. The
loci in this panel were separately amplified by using aliquots from the
first-round PCR products. The PCR products from different loci for each
samples were mixed, respectively, before being loaded onto the DGGE
gel. Only results from tumor 2 are shown.