Figure 2.
A: FISH on normal metaphase shows the chromosomal locations of the IgH probe on 14q32 (green) and the BCL2 probe on 18q21 (orange). B: Normal interphase nuclei show two IgH probe signals (green) and two BCL2 probe signals (orange). C: Detection of t(14;18) (14q32;18q21) in interphase nuclei of a specimen from a patient with follicular lymphoma shows yellow or touching signals of two different color probes, indicating colocalization of IgH/BCL2 fusion. D: Detection of t(14;18) (14q32;18q21) with fiber FISH on a specimen from a patient with follicular lymphoma; a single linear DNA fiber with two juxtaposed color barcode signals indicates IgH (green) and BCL2 (orange) fusion.