(A) Multiple sequence alignment of the flgR gene from C. jejuni 11168, Turkey, and CS isolates. Shown is a segment of the nucleotide sequence of the flgR gene and its predicted translation from C. jejuni strains NCTC 11168 (11168), Turkey (Turkey), and CS (CS). The FlgR receiver and σ54-interacting domains are indicated. Also highlighted (underlined) is the residue that differed in the C. jejuni CS isolate compared to the Turkey isolate. (B) Complementation of the C. jejuni CS isolate with a wild-type copy of flgR gene restores the isolate's motility. Both the C. jejuni CS wild-type and CS flgR pRY107-transformed isolates were spotted onto MH plates supplemented with 0.4% agar, and motility was assessed after 48 h of incubation.