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. 2007 Mar 30;73(10):3144–3150. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02937-06


Ability of Stx-encoding phages from EHEC O26:H11 to lysogenize aEPEC O26:H11 and E. coli K-12 strain C600

EHEC O26 phage donora
Result (frequency) of transduction of aEPEC O26 phage recipientb,c,f
Result (frequency) of transduction of E. coli C600 recipientf
Strain (phage)e Diagnosis or statusc,d stx gene 10 (D) 15 (D) 22 (D) 47 (LD) 32 (D) 40 (HUS)
54(φ54) D stx1 C600(φ54) (1 × 10−6)
49(φ49) D stx1
51(φ51) HUS stx1 C600(φ51) (2 × 10−6)
C600(φH19B) (φH19B) LS stx1 10(φH19B) (1 × 10−7) C600(φH19B) (8 × 10−5)
46(φ46) HUS stx2 47(φ46) (1 × 10−6) 32(φ46) (6 ×10−6) C600(φ46) (3 × 10−5)
61(φ61) HUS stx2 10(φ61) (3 × 10−7) 32(φ61) (1 × 10−7) C600(φ61) (7 × 10−6)
50(φ50) HUS stx2 15(φ50) (1 × 10−7) 22(φ50) (3 × 10−7) 40(φ50) (6 × 10−7) C600(φ50) (4 × 10−6)

Six phage donors are clinical EHEC O26:H11 isolates from our laboratory; E. coli strain C600(φH19B) (45) contains stx1-harboring phage φH19B from a clinical EHEC O26 isolate H19 (44).


Five phage recipients (strains 10, 15, 22, 32, and 40) are clinical aEPEC O26 isolates, all stx negative; aEPEC strain 40 was isolated from a follow-up stool of a HUS patient (patient A) whose initial stool had EHEC strain 50; strain 47 is an stx2-negative laboratory derivative of EHEC strain 46 that fits the definition of aEPEC.


Data are results of transduction of the respective recipient with the respective phage; lysogen designations are given as the number of the recipient strain (number of the transducing phage). Data in parentheses are rates of transduction (number of lysogens per recipient cell). —, no lysogens were identified.


E. coli K-12 strain C600 was a positive control for phage transduction.


stx-harboring bacteriophages were designated by numbers of the donor strains.


D, diarrhea; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; LD, laboratory derivative; LS, laboratory strain.