Figure 2.
Comparison of individual quantitative PCR (QPCR) ratios and microarray z-ratios for GNAO1, MDH1, MAP1B, and PLP1. For each transcript, the upper graph represents the QPCR results, expressed as numerical ratios between the cocaine subject and the respective matched control. Ordinate values above 1 indicate higher expression, while values below 1 indicate lower expression, with respect to the cocaine subject. The lower graph illustrates the corresponding microarray z-ratios. Positive values on the ordinate indicate higher, and negative values indicate lower, levels of expression with respect to the cocaine subject. For both types of experiments, the seven matched cocaine-control pairs are indicated on the abscissa.
For each cocaine subject and matched control, the QPCR assay was run for 8 paired replicated samples. For each transcript, the significance of the difference between each cocaine subject and the corresponding control was tested using a two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test (73). The significance of the difference in MDH1 expression could not be tested due to a smaller number of replicates. (◆ = p < 0.05, ● = p < 0.01).