Nun-NusA binding assays. (A) Nun-NusA(his6) Ni2+ affinity assay. U, unbound fraction; B, bound fraction eluted with 250 mM imidazole. (B) Nun-NusG(his6) or Nun-DnaK(his6) Ni2+ affinity assay. (C) T-Nun/Nun-NusA(his6) Ni2+ affinity assay (M, T-Nun marker. Although smaller than Nun, T-Nun migrates more slowly on SDS/PAGE gels). (D) CtP-NusA binding assay determined by exclusion chromatography (see Materials and Methods). NusA and CtP markers are indicated. Excluded fractions are indicated for CtP (lane 1), NusA (lane 2), and a mixture of NusA and CtP (lane 3).