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. 1998 Feb 17;95(4):1647–1652. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.4.1647

Table 1.

Twenty polymorphic microsatellite loci in the yeast genome

Nuclear loci Primers (forward and reverse) Locus Gene and function Chr. Repeat A. A No. alleles No. het.
RMP2 cccttttaaggaagagcaagcc ccccaataagctgagagtgg SCPTSY7 66 bp 3′ of ribo-nuclease P (RMP2) XIII (aat)33 11 (7/5) 4 (2/2)
3′ORF1 ggacagtgggaggagggaaatgg gctttacgcactagattgtgcgg SC8358 37 bases 3′ of ORF similar to a.a. permeases IV (tat)24 5 (4/3) 0
ORF1 gcagcgaagctaaacctgttgg caagcattccgaaattgtggg YBR150c Potential permease II (cat)21 (D) 5 (4/2) 1 (0/1)
ORF2 ggtgactctaacggcagagtgg cccgtatactgcaagtagatcc YOR267C Potential permease XV (caa)20 (Q) 8 (6/3) 4 (2/2)
SSN6 cagcatcctgctcaacaaacgcc gcagctgttgtcttggtaggggc YSCSSN6 SSN6 protein kinase; repressor of transcription II (caa)20 (Q) 7 (5/5) 1 (0/1)
3′ORF2 gctacagcacttgctgaacataagc ccaatcctggatctagttttccc SCCHRIX 93 bp 3′ of YIL130W: putative regulatory protein IX (taa)19 5 (2/3) 1 (0/1)
3′ORF3 ggcagcgagattgctcttgt cctcccgactgtggcattggcg SCORFTAN 51 bp 3′ of J1545; unknown function X (taa)16 6 (4/3) 3 (0/1)
ORF3 ctgctcaacttgtgatgggttttgg cctcgttactatcgtcttcatcttgc SC8132X ORF of unknown function XVI (gaa)16 (E) 11 (10/4) 6 (5/1)
FAB1 ctacaattccaaaggtccttcgc cgtgccattgtcgtttgaggg U01017 FAB1 kinase; essential for vacuole function VI (aat)15 (N) 6 (6/3) 2 (2/2)
SIS2 gtaaatatgctgcgtgaatttgcc caaaatcgttatgaaattgggtggg SCYKR072C SIS2; aspartic acid-rich protein XI (gac)13 (D) 6 (6/5) 5 (2/3)
ORF4 gctcgcagggagaaatctgcttcc cttcatcggtatccgttccactagg SC8337 Unknown function XIII (gat)11 (D) 4 (4/2) 0
SRP40 gaaaattaaagttgacgaagtgcc gatccactggagctagagtcgg YSCSRP40X SRP40; RNA polymerase I & III supressor XI (agc)11 (S) 4 (4/3) 3 (3/0)
NAB3 cgatggaatcgaatttgacgcccc cctcatcctcaccgtcttcagcggc SCU05314 NAB3; polyadenylated RNA-binding gene XVI (gaa)10 (E) 5 (5/3) 2 (1/1)
CCP ctgggcagaaccgcccataagagg gacctccctttttcgacagaggcg YSCCCP CCP; cytochrome c peroxidase precursor XI (gct)9 (A) 6 (5/2) 3 (3/0)
TFA1 gaatgattactacgctgctttggc cggaccatatcaaacgtcctc SCU12825 TFAI; TFIIE large subunit XI (tta)10 (N) 6 (5/3) 2 (1/1)
FUN12 cgcaagaatccaccgcaagcc gtcttaccggtatcgacatgaccc YSCFUN12A FUN12; essential gene I (gaa)9 (E) 5 (4/2) 2 (1/1)
NGR1 ccaataagattatcatggggacgcc gcaccgtcttgttcgatatacggg SCNGR1 NGR1; negative growth regulatory gene II (cag)9 (Q) 3 (3/2) 0
SNF5 gcaacgacaccaacagttactgagg cgctggagctaagggcacttgacc YSCSNF5 SNF5; transcriptional activator II (caa)9 (Q) 3 (3/2) 3 (1/2)
GRR gctgcacccacctgatatacatcc cgttgcatccctaacctcacttgc YSCGRR1 GRR; required for glucose repression X (cag)9 (Q) 3 (3/1) 1 (1/0)
3′ORF4 gcaacccatgcttggttcaactcc gctttaaccattaagctaagagagc YSCMTCG03 intergenic region of trna-lys and trna-arg MT (taa)10 4 Haploid

A total of 12 yeast strains were genotyped, seven S. cerevisiae and five strains of closely related species. All loci examined, without exception, were found to be length-polymorphic, with 3-11 alleles. Both intra- and interspecific variation was found. If the numbers of alleles and heterozygotes found in the seven strains of S. cerevisiae and the five additional Saccharomyces species differ, they are given in parentheses. Primer sites were conserved across all strains and species except for the loci NAB3, NGR1, and GRR, which failed to amplify in Zygosaccharomyces, the most distantly related yeast strain. MT, mitochondrial.