The yoeB mutant demonstrates an increased rate of lysis in response to cell wall antibiotics. WT B. subtilis (filled symbols) and an isogenic yoeB mutant (open symbols) grown in LB medium were either left untreated (triangles) or treated at an OD600 of 0.25 (squares) with the following: A, vancomycin (1 μg/ml); B, cephalosporin C (20 μg/ml); C, fosfomycin (50 μg/ml); D, bacitracin (250 μg/ml); E, d-cycloserine (100 μg/ml). (F) The increased rate of lysis is dependent on the absence of yoeB. Complementation experiments were done with the WT and yoeB mutant strains containing Pxyl-yoeB. Filled symbols, WT cultures; open symbols, yoeB mutant strain. Cells were grown in LB medium (triangles), grown in LB medium plus 1% xylose (diamonds), grown in LB medium and then treated with d-cycloserine (squares), or grown in LB medium plus 1% xylose and then treated with d-cycloserine (100 μg/ml) (circles). The arrows indicate the time at which antibiotics were added. Results are representative of three independent experiments.