Plot showing the frequency of observing a binding event (i.e., sawtooth force signature) between S. oneidensis MR-1 cytochromes and hematite (Fe2O3). Shown are the average values (±standard errors) for OmcA-functionalized substrates and hematite-coated tips (n = 816), MtrC-functionalized substrates and hematite-coated tips (n = 881), bare substrates that were not coated with cytochromes and hematite-coated tips (n = 487), OmcA-functionalized substrates and bare Si3N4 tips (n = 468), and MtrC-functionalized substrates and bare Si3N4 tips (n = 633). These values include only those force curves for which the tip was completely separated from the polypeptide during an approach-retraction cycle, and they do not include folding-refolding cycles like those shown in Fig. 4.