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. 2007 Jul;144(3):1612–1631. doi: 10.1104/pp.107.096388

Table I.

List of proteins identified from leaves isolated from ‘Golden Promise’ seedlings

Proteins are ordered according to functional classification. A pie chart based on percentages represented by each functional group is presented in Figure 2B. Bold entries indicate protein also identified in root tissue.

TIGR Accession No. of Peptides Defining Group NCBInr Annotation Organism E Value
Primary metabolism
    TC130714 8 gi|125580 Phosphoribulokinase Wheat 0
    TC131346 7 gi|62732953 Fru-bisphosphate aldolase class I Rice 0
    TC131467 3 gi|34911932 NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase Rice 0
    TC131518 5 gi|29367547 Adenosine kinase-like protein Rice 0
    TC131556 4 gi|1143500 ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase small subunit Barley 0
    TC132023 4 gi|21741 Fru-bisphosphatase Wheat 0
    TC132350 4 gi|2105137 ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase large subunit Barley 0
    TC138581 6 gi|33113259 Enolase Rice 0
    TC138582 9 gi|763035 Glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase Zea mays 0
    TC138635 13 gi|108705993 Glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase B Rice 0
    TC138641 15 gi|31087909 Rubisco large subunit Barley 0
    TC138666 15 gi|167097 Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activase isoform 2 Barley 0
    TC146737 6 gi|167095 Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activase Barley 0
    TC139062 11 gi|50934283 Glycolate oxidase Rice 0
    TC139210 4 gi|1212996 UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase Barley 0
    TC139211 5 gi|50904581 Hydroxypyruvate reductase Rice 0
    TC139220 3 gi|77548686 Pyruvate kinase Rice 0
    TC139256 12 gi|77554291 Rubisco subunit binding-protein α-subunit Rice 0
    TC146378 20 gi|3293043 Phosphoglycerate kinase Wheat 0
    TC146528 3 gi|56785335 Phosphoglycerate mutase Rice 0
    TC146663 12 gi|28190676 Transketolase Rice 0
    TC146784 6 gi|18076790 Phosphoglucomutase Wheat 0
    TC146896 9 gi|14265 Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase Wheat 0
    TC131363 1 gi|18978 Glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase Barley 0
    TC131622 3 gi|76363515 Fru-1,6-bisphosphatase Saccharum sp. 1E-178
    TC131870 1 gi|50899346 Enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase Rice 2E-178
    TC131364 11 gi|729003 Carbonic anhydrase Barley 3E-176
    TC139061 8 gi|50934283 Glycolate oxidase Rice 1E-172
    TC139042 5 gi|21844 33-kD oxygen-evolving protein of PSII Wheat 5E-170
    TC146536 4 gi|50910187 Glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase Rice 4E-169
    TC147698 4 gi|54291349 PSII stability/assembly factor HCF136 Rice 9E-168
    TC146289 5 gi|34915204 Glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase Rice 2E-152
    TC138805 8 gi|609262 Triosephosphate isomerase Secale cereale 7E-146
    TC147935 3 gi|51535181 Fructokinase Rice 3E-143
    TC146529 4 gi|50932771 Malate dehydrogenase Rice 9E-139
    TC131409 3 gi|2507469 Triosephosphate isomerase Barley 1E-120
    TC131384 3 gi|15240250 Ribulose-P 3-epimerase Arabidopsis 8E-119
    TC131383 4 gi|21837 23-kD oxygen evolving protein of PSII Wheat 6E-118
    TC140560 4 gi|50934597 Rib-5-P isomerase Rice 7E-115
    TC132198 3 gi|51090360 Fru-bisphosphate aldolase Rice 2E-108
    TC138580 7 gi|11990897 Rubisco small subunit Wheat 6E-98
    TC132200 1 gi|51090360 Fru-bisphosphate aldolase Rice 1E-77
    TC134951 1 gi|56784876 Phosphoribulokinase/uridine kinase-like Rice 4E-76
    TC134990 1 gi|18978 Glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase Barley 1E-56
    TC147083 1 gi|37651973 Blue copper-binding protein Barley 1E-54
    TC146310 1 gi|431920 Plastocyanin Barley 9E-51
    TC139192 1 gi|431920 Plastocyanin Barley 3E-50
Secondary metabolism
    TC130720 3 gi|68655441 AdoMet synthase 2 Barley 0
    TC130859 4 gi|34915052 Ferredoxin-nitrite reductase Rice 0
    TC131827 3 gi|50082771 Hydroxymethylbutenyl 4-diphosphate synthase Z. mays 0
    TC139066 4 gi|417745 Adenosylhomocysteinase Wheat 0
    TC139106 4 gi|52353541 Ketol-acid reductoisomerase Rice 0
    TC139229 3 gi|1705612 Catalase isozyme 1 Barley 0
    TC146718 4 gi|2493543 Catalase 1 Wheat 0
    TC139584 3 gi|52077207 Monodehydroascorbate reductase Rice 0
    TC139836 4 gi|34894800 Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase Rice 0
    TC146253 7 gi|50947367 Putative aminotransferase Rice 0
    TC131070 3 gi|34911282 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein β-subunit-like protein Rice 3E-170
    TC138583 3 gi|32352138 Thiamine biosynthetic enzyme Rice 7E-167
    TC132431 1 gi|19849543 Porphobilinogen deaminase Wheat 8E-166
    TC139562 1 gi|55233175 β-Cyano-Ala synthase Rice 3E-159
    TC133238 3 gi|7619802 Putative glyoxalase I Wheat 6E-158
    TC131549 2 gi|3688398 Ascorbate peroxidase Barley 1E-141
    TC139685 3 gi|50909553 γ Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase Rice 2E-141
    TC132418 6 gi|52076371 Oxidoreductase like Rice 1E-138
    TC132249 7 gi|50945155 Oxidoreductase, Zn binding Rice 3E-132
    TC146831 8 gi|15808779 Ascorbate peroxidase Barley 8E-128
    TC146265 4 gi|28059599 Thylakoid lumenal 17.4-kD protein Arabidopsis 4E-52
Amino acid metabolism
    TC130708 7 gi|2565305 Gly decarboxylase P subunit Triticeae 0
    TC131380 6 gi|68655495 METS1 enzyme Barley 0
    TC131397 9 gi|50918513 Gly hydroxymethyltransferase Rice 0
    TC131957 5 gi|1707878| Aminomethyltransferase Solanum tuberosum 0
    TC139279 10 gi|50510140 Ferredoxin-dependent Glu synthase Rice 0
    TC139283 4 gi|71362640 Plastid Gln synthetase isoform GS2c Wheat 0
    TC139989 4 gi|37703720 Aminotransferase AGD2 Rice 0
    TC140047 3 gi|633095 Plastidic Asp aminotransferase Panicum miliaceum 0
    TC146244 11 gi|50510015 Ala aminotransferase Rice 0
    TC147191 5 gi|50915564 Leu aminopeptidase Rice 0
    TC147233 7 gi|1170029 Glu-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase Barley 0
    TC146634 4 gi|585032 Cys synthase Wheat 2E-165
    TC132821 5 gi|57899533 Putative plastidic Cys synthase 1 Rice 7E-126
Carbohydrate metabolism
    TC132929 1 gi|18025340 α-l-Arabinofuranosidase/β-d-xylosidase isoenzyme ARA-I Barley 0
    TC130915 1 gi|3037080 Glucan endo-1,3-β-glucosidase isoenzyme I Barley 2E-160
    TC130729 4 gi|525291 ATP synthase β-subunit Wheat 0
    TC148629 1 gi|11583 ATPase, β-subunit Barley 5E-60
    TC131417 3 gi|108864035 Actin-7 Rice 0
    TC146790 3 gi|1709779 Profilin-1 Barley 2E-61
Oxidative balance
    TC131399 1 gi|20302473 Ferredoxin-NADP(H) oxidoreductase Wheat 0
    TC131398 3 gi|20302471 Ferredoxin-NADP(H) oxidoreductase Wheat 1E-167
    TC130797 6 gi|34901636 Thioredoxin-like protein CDSP32 Rice 8E-111
    TC130826 4 gi|3328221 Thioredoxin peroxidase S. cereale 2E-109
    TC131780 1 gi|6179600 GPX12Hv, glutathione peroxidase-like protein Barley 2E-97
    TC146933 4 gi|4138592 Thioredoxin M Wheat 6E-93
    TC132207 3 gi|55833012 Peroxiredoxin Q Wheat 4E-90
    TC133526 1 gi|51535721 Thioredoxin peroxidase 1 Rice 1E-79
    TC131676 4 gi|1572627 Copper/Zn superoxide dismutase Wheat 2E-78
    TC146752 3 gi|108708142 Superoxide dismutase 1 Rice 4E-74
    TC138584 4 gi|50909007 Putative elongation factor 2 Rice 0
    TC146252 7 gi|2119927 Translation elongation factor EF-G Glycine max 0
    TC146566 3 gi|949878 Elongation factor 1-α Barley 0
    TC146710 3 gi|50906401 Elongation factor 1-γ Rice 1E-178
    TC133131 1 gi|3550485 cp33Hv Barley 1E-149
    TC140393 5 gi|56682582 Thaumatin-like protein TLP5 Barley 3E-130
    TC147110 3 gi|77556660 Elongation factor TS family protein Rice 1E-126
    TC139502 5 gi|3550483 cp31BHv Barley 4E-126
    TC148742 4 gi|77556660 Elongation factor TS family protein Rice 6E-48
    TC131505 5 gi|14017610 Ribosomal protein S3 Wheat 6E-132
    TC147671 1 gi|50905143 Putative 50S ribosomal protein L3 Rice 4E-111
    TC131976 3 gi|50917085 Ribosomal protein Rice 3E-98
    TC131434 4 gi|968902 Ribosomal protein S8 Rice 1E-84
Protein folding Rice
    TC131557 9 gi|77554415 70-kD heat shock-related protein Rice 0
    TC131558 9 gi|92870233 Heat shock protein Hsp70 Medicago truncatula 0
    TC138914 5 gi|77552703 Heat shock cognate 70-kD protein Rice 0
    TC138915 4 gi|108707463 Heat shock cognate 70-kD protein Rice 0
    TC139132 8 gi|34897924 Chaperonin 60 β Rice 0
    TC139483 3 gi|556673 Heat shock protein S. cereale 0
    TC139572 3 gi|110289207 Chaperonin CPN60-1 Rice 0
    TC132470 1 gi|50945195 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Rice 0
    TC146697 1 gi|34897236 60S ribosomal protein L1 Rice 3E-174
    TC146605 3 gi|13925734 Cyclophilin A-2 Wheat 1E-88
    TC138916 1 gi|59799993 Heat shock protein 70 Z. mays 7E-85
    TC135924 1 gi|50948109 Immunophilin/FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Rice 1E-51
Protein degradation
    TC131728 6 gi|399213 ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit Lycopersicon esculentum 0
    TC141753 1 gi|22331173 ATPREP1/ATZNMP; metalloendopeptidase Arabidopsis 1E-139
    TC146981 1 gi|11967891 20S proteasome α-subunit Z. mays 7E-130
    TC139286 3 gi|1323748 Thiol protease Wheat 1E-86
    TC146758 8 gi|108862567 RNA-binding protein Rice 0
    TC147198 12 gi|50910077 Translational elongation factor Tu Rice 0
    TC133717 11 gi|50935225 Putative mRNA-binding protein precursor Rice 1E-139
    TC132022 1 gi|34913270 29-kD ribonucleoprotein A Rice 5E-88
    TC138855 1 |dbj|BAA02436.1| Elongation factor 1 β Wheat 7E-70
    TC139280 7 gi|2072727 Fd-GOGAT protein Rice 0
    TC139914 1 gi|15235282 Amino acid-binding/oxidoreductase Arabidopsis 0
    TC146506 3 gi|50925621 OSJNBa0084K20.14 Rice 3E-114
    TC141769 1 gi|54290425 Unknown protein Rice 2E-101
    TC131703 3 gi|18394414 Unknown protein Arabidopsis 1E-79
    TC150479 1 gi|50947401 Unknown protein Rice 2E-72
    TC148625 5 gi|50928389 OSJNBa0086O06.22 Rice 3E-60
    TC139271 1 gi|19087 Unnamed protein product Barley 9E-43