Relative transcript levels of L. japonicus Suc synthases LjSUS1 to LjSUS6 in young leaves (yl), mature leaves (ml), pod, shoot, uninoculated (unin), and inoculated (inoc) roots, nodule (nod), and flower. Expression pattern of SUS genes was analyzed by qRT-PCR. A, LjSUS1. B, LjSUS2. C, LjSUS2 and LjSUS2a. D, LjSUS3. E, LjSUS5. F, LjSUS6. Transcript levels were expressed relative to the level in young leaves after normalization to levels of EF-1α or actin in the case of flowers. Values are means ± sd from three individual plants. Note the asymmetrical distribution of the sd caused by conversion of an exponential process into a linear comparison (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). The profile for LjSUS4 is absent from this figure because LjSUS4 is only expressed in flowers.