Figure 2.
Structure and expression of the Adh genes. A, Genomic structure of the Adh genes. The white and gray segments within exon boxes indicate the untranslated and coding regions, respectively. The black arrowheads indicate RT-PCR primers, and the white arrowheads indicate primers for 5′ or 3′ RACEs (Supplemental Table S1). The short vertical bars within Adh intron 1 indicate in-frame stop codons. The horizontal arrow with the vertical bar above the Adh3 map indicates the reported 5′ terminus of the full-length cDNA in the wild-type ‘Nipponbare’ (AK101288). B, Expression of the Adh genes detected by RT-PCR in various tissues of ‘Nipponbare’. The constitutively expressed Ubiquitin gene was used as an internal control, and −RT indicates RT-PCR amplification without SuperScript III reverse transcriptase. The white arrowhead in Adh3 points to RT-PCR-amplified fragments containing unspliced intron 1. Lane 1, Seedling leaves; lane 2, seedling roots; lane 3, calli; lane 4, coleoptiles; lane 5, submerged coleoptiles.