Figure 6.
Auxin transport and vasculature defects in bif2 inflorescence stems. A, Transport of [3H]IAA in normal and bif2 inflorescence stems. Bars showing transport in normal inflorescences are in dark gray and in bif2 are light gray. Acropetal transport is signified with hatched lines and basipetal transport with solid fill. B, Cross section of a normal inflorescence stem photographed in dark field. This is representative of the inflorescence stem tissue used in the auxin transport assay (below the first branch before the insertion of the stem into the flag leaf node). C, Cross section of bif2 inflorescence stem photographed in dark field. Because bif2 usually has no branches, sections used for the auxin transport assay were taken from the basal part of the inflorescence stem, 8 cm above the insertion of the stem into the flag leaf node. Scale bar in B and C = 1 mm. [See online article for color version of this figure.]