Fig. 4.
Patient who had subacute cerebellar dysfunction and CSF antibodies against the molecular layer of the cerebellum. (A) A section of rat cerebellum immunostained with the antibodies from the CSF of a patient who had predominant subacute cerebellar degeneration and mild memory deficits without a known cancer. (B) Higher magnification of the area indicated in (A). Note that there is selective and intense immunolabeling of the neuronal processes running in the molecular layer of the cerebellum; the neuronal cell bodies of the granular layer, Purkinje cells, and cells of the molecular layer are spared. The dendrotoxin immunoprecipitation assay was negative, indicating that the autoantigen (unknown) is not a Kv1.1, 1,2, or 1,6 VGKC. (A) ×200; (B) ×400. Sections mildly counterstained with hematoxylin.