Figure 6.
Clonogenic cell survival assays after UVC (4 J/m2), γ rays (1 Gy) or etoposide treatment (VP16; 1 μM for 1.5 h). Established long-term clones were seeded at 500 cells per 6-cm diameter-dish 24 h before treatment. Here, ∼14 days later, cells were fixed and stained. Each point represents the mean of two independent experiments; each experiment represents three culture dishes per point. SD are indicated. Age of cells at the time of the last clonogenic cell survival assay: Control (pBD650; day 238); XPCKD cell cl.21(day 456); hHR23AKD cl.7 (day 236); hHR23BKD cl.9 (day 272); DNA PKcsKD cl. 1 (day 365); XRCC4KD cl.9 (day 205); Ligase IVKD cl.3 (day 176); Ligase IIIKD cl.11 (day 178); Rad51KD cl.2 (day 193); Rad54KD cl.5 (day 322); MRE11KD cl.32 (day 177); Rad50KD cl.1 (day 175); NBS1KD cl.11 (day 176); ATMKD cl.12 (day 302); ATRKD cl.9 (day 196); Ogg1KD cl.27 (day 232). Arrows indicate a striking point highlighting intolerance to DNA damage.