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. 2007 Jun 7;8:150. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-8-150

Table 2.

cDNAs identified as differentially regulated by microarray analysis. Clone ID1 is the accession number of the cDNA feature on the microarray, when more than one cDNA feature was the same sequence the accession number for the feature with the highest fold difference is given, the number in brackets indicates the number of features identical and used in analysis. Identity2 is the functional protein assigned to the cDNA feature, Accession3 number relates to the identify of the protein. *indicates cDNA features where protein function is determined from NCBI UniGene as described in the text. Mean is the mean fold difference between the stimulated and non stimulated control cells.

Clone ID1 Identity2 Accession3 Gene Ontology Identifier Mean SEM
Up regulated by rIFN-γ
CA063565(2) Interferon regulatory factor 1 AAM77843 GO:0003700: transcription factor activity 12.1 4.9
CA062585(2) Tapasin ABE27285 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 11.4 3.5
CA063956 Complement C1q XP_544507.2 GO:0006955: immune response 11.4 2.7
CB505764 C1q-like adipose specific protein AAM73701 GO:0006955: immune response 10.6 5.8
CA062838*(2) Acyl-coenzyme A-binding protein AJ632152 GO:0006810: transport 10.3 1.4
CA051393* Interferon consensus sequence binding protein (IRF-8) NP_990747.1 GO:0003700: transcription factor activity 10.0 4.7
CA062698* Ssa.15825 N/A 9.6 5.0
CB506130 Proteasome subunit beta type 1-A 20S O09061 GO:0006511: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 9.2 6.2
CA062737(3) Low molecular mass protein 7 P28063 GO:0006955: immune response 8.8 3.3
CA052500 TAP 1 Q9JJ59 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 8.7 1.4
CA056108(2) C-type lectin 2-1 Q91ZW7 GO:0006955: immune response 8.5 3.8
CA055080 Core histone macroH2A2.2; H2A histone family AAH76893 GO:0044237 : cellular metabolism 7.6 4.3
CB516220(2) Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B alpha Q9Z1E3 GO:0006955: immune response 7.3 3.9
CA057910* Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 XP_424811.1 GO:0008219 : cell death 6.8 1.5
CA051372(2) Low molecular mass protein 2 Q60692 GO:0006955: immune response 6.5 2.5
CB511048 VHSV-induced C-lectin-like protein AY572832 GO:0006955: immune response 6.1 3.0
CA063009*(2) Ssa.6457 N/A 6.0 1.7
CA052717* Fc receptor-like 4 XP_547521.2 N/A 5.7 2.0
CA050149 IMMUNE-RESPONSIVE PROTEIN 1 XP_542615 N/A 4.1 1.6
CA050971 Proteasome subunit alpha type 6 Q9QUM9 GO:0006511: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 3.8 1.5
CA063863* Similar to interferon regulatory factor 1 NP_002189.1 GO:0003700: transcription factor activity 3.6 0.4
CA052613 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme XP_517968 GO:0006511: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 3.6 0.6
CB500108 Ribosomal protein L35 AAM34649 GO:0006412: protein biosynthesis 3.4 0.8
CA044026(2) MHC class I L07605 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 3.4 0.4
CA052774 Protein phosphatase 2 P62715 GO:0044237 : cellular metabolism 3.0 0.5
CB511680(2) Lysozyme P17897 GO:0006952: defense response 3.0 0.3
CA055186 MECL1 P70195 GO:0006511: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 2.7 0.5
CB493732 Proteasome subunit beta type 7 NP_989728.1 GO:0006511: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 2.7 0.7
CA044982 HES1 Q9D172 N/A 2.6 0.7
CB496534(3) Ferritin P09528 GO:0006955: immune response 2.3 0.1
CA057391(2) Granulin XP_537620.2 GO:0008283: cell proliferation 2.2 0.4
CA060176 Galectin like protein O08573 GO:0006952: defense response 2.2 0.3
CA060021 Unknown N/A 2.2 0.2
CA046740 Sequestosome 1; oxidative stress induced NP_035148 GO:0007165: signal transduction 2.1 0.1
Down regulated by rIFN-γ
CA057408 Annexin A2 P07356 GO:0050819 : negative regulation of coagulation 3.0 0.9
CB492780(2) Id2 protein P41136 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 2.9 0.4
CA040487* Ssa.17039 N/A 2.4 0.2
CK990422* Ssa.2967 N/A 2.3 0.4
CA769647* Ssa.3973 N/A 2.3 0.2
CB509992 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence AY856868 N/A 2.1 0.1
CB491705 similar to PREDICTED: similar to ORF2 XP_425603.1 N/A 2.1 0.4
CB489453 Hypothetical protein 2 XP_417016 N/A 1.9 0.1
Up regulated by rIL-1β
CA050149 IMMUNE-RESPONSIVE PROTEIN 1 XP_542615 N/A 27.7 10.4
CB511048 VHSV-induced C-lectin-like AY572832 GO:0006955: immune response 23.2 10.8
CA061271 UNKNOWN N/A 21.2 9.8
CK991068(3) Hepcidin AAO85553 GO:0006952: defense response 21.2 5.0
CA055080 Core histone macroH2A2.2; H2A histone family AAH76893 GO:0044237: cellular metabolism 20.7 2.2
CA037550 60S ribosomal protein L30 P62889 GO:0006412: protein biosynthesis 19.0 8.5
CB496842(3) C-type lectin Q91ZW7 GO:0006955: immune response 18.4 4.1
CA054326 Tax1 binding protein 1 NP_006015.4 GO:0007165: signal transduction 15.9 10.5
CA063656 Cyclin L1 AY606031 N/A 14.2 10.4
CB511230 TAP2 AF002180 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 13.0 6.4
CK990725 RhoE P61588 GO:0007165: signal transduction 12.5 5.6
CB504496(3) Differentially regulated trout protein 1 AAG30030 GO:0006955: immune response 12.3 4.5
CA063738* Nuclear factor of k light polypeptide gene enhancer (p49/p100) NP_989744. GO:0007165: signal transduction 12.2 2.9
CB498152* Similar to MARCKS-like 1 NP_075385.1 GO:0005516: calmodulin binding 12.2 3.2
CK990269* Connexin 31 NP_990262.1 GO:0007154: cell communication 12.1 2.4
CB516988* PREDICTED: similar to heparan sulfate proteoglycan XP_417362.1 GO:0006917: induction of apoptosis 12.1 4.4
CB512516* Ssa.2559 N/A 12.1 9.0
CB516929* Ssa.5205 N/A 12.0 4.7
CA060421(2) CD83 AAP93912 GO:0006952: defense response 11.5 4.8
CB514313 Delta 1 Q61483 GO:0007154: cell communication 11.1 7.2
CA063097* Ssa.6200 N/A 11.1 3.6
CB511158(2) Precerebellin-like protein AAF04305 GO:0006952: defense response 10.7 5.3
CA041210 MARCKS-like protein P28667 GO:0005516: calmodulin binding 9.8 1.7
CA059788(3) Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B alpha AAH62524 GO:0006955: immune response 9.6 2.6
CA044647* Ssa.3390 N/A 9.6 0.9
CA060755*(2) Ssa.2872 N/A 9.4 2.3
CA051323* Ssa.6734 N/A 9.3 5.0
CA053062(3) 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase Q8VC19 GO:0009058: biosynthesis 8.3 2.6
CA061251 RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 2 Q05144 GO:0006952: defense response 8.2 4.6
CB507662* Ssa.383 N/A 8.1 0.4
CB501098* Ssa.3941 N/A 7.9 4.4
CA058223 Guanylate binding protein 4 Q01514 GO:0006955: immune response 7.8 2.8
CB515854* Similar to tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 2 NP_006282.2 GO:0006952: defense response 7.8 1.1
CA052773 Arginyl-tRNA synthetase Q9D0I9 GO:0009058: biosynthesis 7.2 4.5
CA050427*(3) Ssa9019 N/A 7.2 1.6
CB498855(2) 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase P70265 GO:0044237: cellular metabolism 7.0 1.2
CA046850 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 5 P17844 GO:0016049: cell growth 6.8 3.7
CA056715(3) Transcription factor JUN-B P09450 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 6.5 0.7
CA063635* Ssa.5016 N/A 6.5 3.4
CB514104 Adipophilin (Adipose differentiation-related protein) P43883 GO:0006810: transport 6.3 0.7
CA038364 Similar to ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex P00130 GO:0044237: cellular metabolism 6.2 1.6
CA054114* Ssa.25362 N/A 6.2 1.6
CA770328 Tapasin ABE27285 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 5.8 1.5
CA054633 ATP-binding cassette transporter 2 P21440 GO:0006810: transport 5.5 1.7
CB501435* Omy.30821 N/A 5.4 0.6
CA055219(2) CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta, AAH49401 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 5.0 0.8
CA062875 Similar to IFN consensus sequence binding protein IRF-8 Q90871 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 5.0 1.4
CB517430 Similar to epithelial stromal interaction 1 NP_150280.1 N/A 4.9 1.5
CA053490 Tumour necrosis factor receptor CAD57165 GO:0007165: signal transduction 4.8 1.1
CK990939 Adipose differentiation-related protein Q9MZE5 GO:0016020: membrane 4.7 0.5
CA051393(2) Similar to interferon consensus sequence binding protein NP_990747.1 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 4.7 1.2
CB511966 Factor VIII Q06194 GO:0006952: defense response 4.4 0.7
CA043801 Ssa.22345 N/A 4.4 1.2
CA062585 TAPBP protein... Q8UUL4 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 4.4 0.9
CA053654* Ssa.7103 N/A 4.3 0.9
CA060783 Similar to protein tyrosine phosphatase NP_035336.1 GO:0006464: protein modification 4.2 1.1
CB515947 Ssa.13995 N/A 4.2 1.0
CB515614 Ssa.4774 N/A 4.1 1.2
CB497913 Omy.8396 N/A 3.9 0.4
CB498900 Ssa.14843 N/A 3.9 1.0
CA767815 sequestosome 1 NP_035148 GO:0007165: signal transduction 3.8 0.4
CA056501 Serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor Q07235 N/A 3.7 0.7
CA044867 Ssa.8481 N/A 3.7 1.0
CB494479 Transcription factor ETV6 P97360 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 3.7 0.3
CA063565 Interferon regulatory factor 1 AAM77843 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 3.6 0.7
CB496486(2) Low molecular mass protein 7 P28063 GO:0006955: immune response 3.5 0.6
CB498525 Secretory granule proteoglycan core protein XP_507828.1 N/A 3.5 0.7
CB515392 Stomatin P54116 GO:0007165: signal transduction 3.5 0.2
CA052717 similar to Fc receptor-like 4 XP_547521.2 N/A 3.4 0.2
CA052500 TAP1A Q9JJ59 GO:0019882: antigen presentation 3.4 0.2
CB494116 UNKNOWN N/A 3.3 0.8
CB489126 Protein translation factor SUI1 Q9CXU9 GO:0006412: protein biosynthesis 3.2 0.3
CK990998(3) similar to Protein translation factor SUI1 homolog P48024 GO:0006412: protein biosynthesis 3.2 0.3
CA062698 Ssa.15825 N/A 3.2 0.4
CB499179 Leucine-rich-repeat protein XM_039906 GO:0006952: defense response; 3.1 0.4
CK991328 Omy.3531 N/A 3.1 1.0
CA062450* Similar to melanoma cell adhesion molecule NP_075548.1 GO:0007155: cell adhesion 3.1 0.5
CA051372 Low molecular mass protein 2 Q60692 GO:0006955: immune response 3.0 0.9
CA057910* Similar to programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 XP_424811.1 GO:0006955: immune response 3.0 0.4
CA056074 p60 AAH01874 GO:0007165: signal transduction 2.9 0.3
CB488180 ATP synthase Q9DCX2 GO:0015986: ATP synthesis coupled proton transport 2.9 0.2
CA052868 NADPH oxidase cytosolic protein p40phox AB192468 GO:0007165: signal transduction 2.9 0.3
CA043996* Ssa.3435 N/A 2.8 0.3
CB503379* Ssa.7962 N/A 2.8 0.2
CB511558 UNKNOWN N/A 2.7 0.3
CA060176 Galectin like protein O08573 GO:0006952: defense response 2.6 0.2
CB502697* Transmembrane 4 superfamily member 3 NP_598210.1 N/A 2.6 0.3
CB498077(4) Ferritin P09528 GO:0006955: immune response 2.5 0.1
CA039745 Alpha-globin CAA65955 GO:0006810: transport 2.5 0.2
CA062784 UNKNOWN N/A 2.5 0.2
CB493123 Activating transcription factor 4, Q6T3V3 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 2.4 0.3
CB488782 Growth regulated nuclear 68 protein Q61656 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 2.3 0.1
Down regulated by IL-1β
CA056515 UNKNOWN N/A 5.4 2.8
CA041370 PREDICTED: similar to MAFB protein XP_417353.1 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 4.7 1.7
CA062828(3) Id2 protein P41136 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 4.0 0.4
CB514524 xCDC46 BAA09949 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 3.3 0.4
CB517923 Transforming protein myc P01108 GO:0045449: regulation of transcription 3.1 0.7
CB502538 UNKNOWN N/A 2.6 0.7
CA052685 Ribonucleotide reductase protein r2 class I P11157 GO:0044237 : cellular metabolism 2.4 0.2