Fig. 2.
Frontoparietal functional connectivity. (a) Regions in the PPC where 1- and 2-back functional connectivity with the DLPFC ROI were activated in the conjunction contrast of COMT Met-homozygote > Val homozygote and GRM3 G-carrier > A-homozygote (shown at P < 0.001 for display only). Extracted parameter estimates demonstrated COMT Met-homozygotes and GRM3 G-carriers had disproportionately increased functional connectivity. Error bars are ±1 standard error. (b) Regions in the PPC where functional connectivity with the VLPFC ROI were activated in the conjunction contrast of COMT Val-homozygote > Met homozygote and GRM3 A-homozygote > G-carriers (shown at P < 0.001 for display only). Extracted parameter estimates showed COMT Val and GRM3 A homozygotes had disproportionately greater functional connectivity. (c) There was a reciprocal relationship whereby decreasing DLPFC-PPC functional connectivity was associated with increasing VLPFC-PPC functional connectivity (P < 0.01).