Figure 4. Fine mapping of Chrm3 and Apoa2.
(A) Chrm3 is associated with initial body weight (7–9 weeks), day 0 of an atherogenic diet (Paigen1_initbw), final body weight after 8 weeks on atherogenic diet (Paigen1_finalbw), calculated weight of lean tissue (14 weeks) (Tordoff3_lean_wt), and body weight after 8 weeks on an atherogenic diet (Naggert1_bw_fat8) in the GWA scan. The Chrm3 region has been replicated in at least four obesity linkage studies. (B) Apoa2 is associated with percent of total plasma cholesterol in the HDL fraction after 8 weeks on an atherogenic diet (Paigen1_ pctHDL-TCH) in the GWA scan. The Apoa2 region has been repeatedly detected by linkage analyses in 12 different genetic crosses. Relevant phenotypes for these two genes were already observed in murine knockout models. The horizontal gray lines indicate genome-wide empirical thresholds.