Development from fertilization to hatching of the foam nesting frog E. coloradorum. (A) Foam nest. (B) Egg within the jelly foam. (C) Dorsal lip stage (12 h). In this and the following stages, the time after fertilization is given in hours. (D) Midgastrula (18 h). (E) Postgastrula (23 h). (F) Neurula (29 h). (G) Tailbud (34 h). (H) Head region of the embryo shown in G. (I) Development of the gills and the heart (51 h). (J) Tadpole at hatching (96 h). In this and the following figures, the numbers in the upper right hand corner gives the developmental stage, and the letters indicate the species: Cm, C. machalilla; Da, D. auratus; E, E. coqui; Ec, E. coloradorum; Ea, E. anthonyi; Ei, E. ingeri; Er, E. randi; Et, E. tricolor; Gr, G. riobambae; X, X. laevis; b, blastopore; br, branchial arches; dl, dorsal lip; g, gills; m, mandibular arch; nt, neural tube; o, optic vesicle; s, somite; yp, yolk plug. [Scale bars: 400 μm (C–H); 500 μm (I); 550 μm (B); 1,000 μm (J); and 1 cm (A).]