Figure 1.
Trs65 localizes mainly to the trans-Golgi. YFP-Trs65 colocalizes with trans-Golgi marker Sec7-DsRed (middle) and to a lesser extent with the cis-Golgi marker Cop1-RFP (top), but not with the endosome marker DsRed-FYVE domain (bottom). TRS65 on the chromosome was tagged with YFP at the N terminus in cells expressing Sec7-DsRed from the chromosome (NSY1180), in cells expressing Cop1-RFP also from the chromosome (NSY1182), or in wild-type cells (NSY1178) expressing DsRed-FYVE domain from a plasmid (pNS716). Cells were grown to mid-log phase, and examined by deconvolution microscopy. Panels show from left to right: YFP-Trs65, the red-labeled compartmental marker, merge, and merge + differential interference contrast (DIC). Arrows point to regions of colocalization, whereas arrowheads point to regions of Trs65 (green) that do not colocalize with the compartmental markers (red). Results shown here are representative of at least two experiments.