Figure 3.
Sequence and structural alignment of Nu class GSTs with a Sigma Class GST (HsGST, human GST or hematopoietic prostagladin D synthase [37]) and other parasite GSTs (SjGST, Schistosoma japonica [43], Ascaris suum (As-GST-1) [42]. (a) The alignment reveals that firstly N-terminal alpha beta domain is more conserved than the C-terminal alpha domain. Furthermore, Na-GST-1 has higher sequence identity with HpolGST than Na-GST-2 and the lowest similarity is with the HsGST. This figure was generated with ESPript [55, 56]. (b) Structural alignment of monomers of Nu class GSTs (Na-GST-1, magenta; Na-GST-2, gold; HpolGST, green) with a sigma class GST (HsGST, cyan).