Geometry of orbital shaking and buoyancy forces. (A) Shaker table with filter insert containing a confluent monolayer of cells each with a single apical primary cilium (inset). The cilium pivots around its cellular anchoring point. (B) Movement of a point (x,y) on an orbital shaker relative to the laboratory frame defined by directions which are fixed. (Left frame) The vector r*(t) = x(t),y(t) is composed of a vector to the center of the monolayer c(t) and the time-independent vector r from the center of the monolayer to the point (x,y). (Right frame) Illustration of the movement of all points on the monolayer in the laboratory frame (coordinates): ω = shaking frequency, t = time, R = orbital throw. The circles represent the position as a function of time. The crossed arrows in the center indicate the orientation of the monolayer, showing that remain constant in both the laboratory and monolayer frame (absence of rotation around the monolayer center).