Figure 4.
Disaggregation of HEY and OVHS1 spheroids on ECM. HEY and OVHS1 cells were grown on 0.5% agarose for 4 days. Spheroids were collected and allowed to disaggregate on different ECM. (A) Morphological feature of disaggregation of HEY spheroids on CI after 24 h. (B, C) HEY and OVHS1 cells grown as spheroids for 4 days were allowed to adhere and then disaggregated on BSA, CI, FN and LM and photographed at 1 (control), 8 and 24 h. The extent of disggregation was measured as described in Materials and Methods. Values shown represent the average fold change in pixel area of > 10 spheroids over 8 and 24 h from two experiments, ± SEM, *p < 0.05, significantly different from disaggregation on BSA.