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. 2007 Jul 1;8:205. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-8-205

Table 2.

Gene sets used in GSEA.

Category name Number of genes Category name Number of genes
Adipose 70 Nucleus_3 510
Apoptosis 39 Fkbp 33
Bone 116 3vs15_1.5x_1 497
Cartilage 28 3vs15_1.5x_2 497
Catalytic 245 3vs15_1.5x_3 497
Chaperone 81 3vs15_1.5x_4 497
Chemokine 31 3vs15_1.5x_5 76
Chromatin/Hdacs 24 Igf 48
Cyclin 225 Cart_2 299
Cytokine 127 Cart_3 352
1_Dnabind 500 Liver_1 260
2_Dnabind 448 Liver_2 260
Ecm 228 Blood 111
Electron_Transp 40 Protease_1 269
Gf Receptor 327 Protease_2 269
Gluconeogen 31 Phosphatase 473
Growth Factor 106 Dusp 20
Gtpase Activator 46 Kinase_1 499
Gtpase Activ 73 Kinase_2 499
Heparin Bind 37 Kinase_3 227
Hormone 75 Integrin_Rel 173
Muscle 198 Brain_Rel 379
Neg_Apoptosis 50 Hepatocyte 19
Oncogene 154 Obl_Oclast 16
Pos_Apoptosis 79 Interleukinrelated 175
Related_Apoptosis 311 Rgs_Related 44
Structure 151 Caspase_Related 47
Sugar_Bind 104 Creb_Atf3 32
Tf_Activ 56 Nuclear Receptor 138
Tf_Repress 55 Nuc_Hormone_Receptor 55
Tgfb 45 Mapkrelated 267
Tnf_Receptor 69 Membrane 260
Tumor Suppressor 48 Metabolism 196
Wnt 53 Nucleus_1 494
Actin_Cytoskel 38 Nucleus_2 494
Angiogen 57 Pzhorton.Farnum 413
Bmprelated 62 Hzhorton.Farnum 407
Cytoplasm 411
Erk_Related 40
Fgf_Related 64