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. 2007 Aug;97(8):1421–1426. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.098491


Characteristics of Smokers at Baseline, by Educational Background: Minnesota HealthPartners Enrollees, 2004–2005

Education Group, %
Health-related variables High School or Less (n = 242) 2-Year Collegea (n = 280) 4-Year Collegeb (n = 334)
Self-reported overall health very good or excellent** 37.2 56.6 57.7
Had a history of depression diagnosis 35.0 31.2 28.3
Smoking-related variables
Smokes every day** 76.9 64.3 47.0
No. of cigarettes smoked per day**
    0–10 58.4 66.9 81.7
    11–20 28.2 28.4 15.6
    ≥ 20 13.5 4.7 2.7
Smokes within 5 min of waking** 11.6 6.1 3.6
1 or more close friends smoke 99.2 99.3 99.1
1 or more quit attempts in past year 56.5 62.6 55.8
Seriously considering quitting in next 6 moc 66.8 60.4 58.9

aThe 2-year college group included those respondents who had completed at least some post–high school technical education but were not currently enrolled in any school and those that were enrolled in a 2-year college.

bThe 4-year college group included those respondents who had were enrolled in a 4-year college or university and those who had a college degree and were not currently enrolled in any school.

cAfter removal from analyses of those who had already quit.

** P < .001 (Pearson χ2 comparisons across columns).