Figure 2.—
Dpp restricts the number of Odd-skipped pericardial cells via zfh1. Stage 13 embryos in lateral view (A, C, E, G, and I) and stage 17 in dorsal view (B, D, F, H, and J) double labeled for Odd (green) and Zfh1 (red). See Table 1 for statistics. (A and B) Wild type. Odd is expressed in a subset of Zfh1-expressing pericardial cells. (C and D) dppd6. The number of Odd-expressing pericardial cells is significantly increased. All Odd pericardial cells co-express Zfh1. (E and F) zfh12. The number of Odd-expressing cells is comparable to wild type at stage 13 (E) but is significantly less than wild type by stage 17 (F). (G and H) 24B.Gal4:UAS.Zfh1; zfh12. Pan-mesodermal Zfh1 expression in zfh12 mutants not only rescues Odd expression in pericardial cells but also induces ectopic Odd-expressing cells in lateral regions of the mesoderm. (I and J) dppd6; zfh12. The number of Odd-expressing cells is comparable to wild type at stage 13 (I) but is significantly decreased by stage 17 (J), a phenocopy of zfh12 single mutants.