Degradation profiles of RG chain with RG lyases. (A) Analysis of final products from the RG chain through the RhgB, YesW, or YesX reaction by size-exclusion chromatography. Each product was analyzed after a 60-min reaction by Superdex peptide 10/300 GL. Product from the RG chain without enzyme added was used as the negative control. All profiles are overlaid, and the smallest product through the YesW or YesX reaction is indicated by an arrow. Degradation profiles of the RG chain with YesW (B) and YesX (C) were periodically analyzed. Reaction times were 0, 5, 20, and 60 min. The smallest product is indicated by an arrow. (D) ESI-MS spectrum of the smallest product released from the RG chain through the YesX reaction. The main peak in the negative mode coincided with the molecular mass of the deprotonated ion from the unsaturated RG disaccharide indicated in the box.