FIG. 5.
Ultrastructural changes to ANDV-infected hamster lungs. Thin-section transmission electron microscopy was performed on ANDV-infected hamster lungs. (A) Fibrin deposition (arrowheads), alveolar airspace edema, and apoptotic lymphocytes were observed for animal 226 at 8 days postchallenge. Original magnification, ×40,000. (B) At day 12 postchallenge (animal 206), fibrin deposition was increased (arrowheads), and large granulofilamentous inclusions that occupied the majority of space in the endothelial cell cytoplasm could be observed. Numerous vacuoles were often observed in the endothelial cell cytoplasm, adjacent to the large inclusion (arrow). The inclusions were highly structured, as shown in the enlarged inset. Original magnifications, ×15,000 and ×80,000 (inset). (C) Endothelial cell inclusions were of viral origin, as demonstrated by immunoelectron microscopy using an anti-nucleocapsid antibody and a secondary antibody conjugated to 10-nm gold particles. The immunoreactive endothelial cell inclusion is enlarged for better visualization of gold particles (inset). Original magnifications, ×40,000 and ×80,000 (inset). (D) Type 1 epithelial cells in the lungs of animal 238 (day 12 postchallenge) were filled with edema fluid and detached from the basement membrane, which was also disrupted. Original magnification, ×67,500. (E) Ruffling of the apical surface of type 1 epithelial cells was frequently observed when edema fluid was present. This was observed as early as day 8 postchallenge, as shown in this representative image (animal 226). Original magnification, ×17,000. (F) Apoptotic lymphocytes were commonly observed in lung capillaries starting as early as day 4 postchallenge. Note the nuclear condensation that is a hallmark of apoptosis. Three apoptotic lymphocytes are seen in this pulmonary capillary from animal 207 (day 14 postchallenge). Original magnification, ×13,500X. RBC, red blood cell; MΦ, macrophage; Ly, lymphocyte; In, inclusion; Nu, nucleus; EC, endothelial cell; EpC, epithelial cell; BM, basement membrane.