Representative pictures of immunostaining for Ki67 (A; magnification, ×600), percentage of dilated renal tubules (B), number of tubular epithelial cells per tubule (C), Ki67-positive tubular cells (D), and apoptosis (E) in the obstructed (UUO) and nonobstructed contralateral (CLK) kidneys of Skp2+/+ and Skp2−/− mice 7 days after UUO. Many tubules were dilated (A and B), with increased numbers of tubular epithelial cells (C), and their tubules had Ki67-positive tubular epithelial cells (A and D) in obstructed kidney from Skp2+/+ mice. However, tubular dilatation, increases of tubular cells, Ki67-positive cells, and apoptosis were markedly less in obstructed kidneys from Skp2−/− mice. *P < 0.0001; Skp2+/+ CLK versus Skp2+/+ UUO, #P < 0.0001; Skp2+/+ UUO versus Skp2−/− UUO in B, C, and D. *P = 0.0001; Skp2−/− CLK versus Skp2−/− UUO, **P < 0.0001; Skp2+/+ CLK versus Skp2+/+ UUO, #P < 0.0001; Skp2+/+ UUO versus Skp2−/− UUO in E.