Figure 6. The effects of dynamin mutants on proteinuria and podocyte morphology.
(A) Urinary protein levels determined using the standard Bradford protein assay. Urine was collected immediately before (0 h) and 14 and 24 hours after injection of podocin-driven expression vectors containing different dynamin constructs as indicated in the figure. Each bar represents at least 10 animals. (B) Cultured podocytes were infected with adenoviruses expressing the indicated dynamin constructs. Eighteen hours after infection, cells were stained with hudy 1 (green) to visualize dynamin and rhodamine phalloidin (red) to visualize F-actin. (C) Urinary protein levels determined using the standard Bradford protein assay. Mice were injected at 0 and 24 hours with LPS to induce proteinuria. At 48 hours (peak proteinuria), mice received empty vector, CMV-dynWT, CMV-dynL356Q, or CMV-dynR725A. Urinary protein levels were determined 12 hours after injection. Each data point represents at least 10 animals. (D) Urinary protein levels determined using the standard Bradford protein assay. Mice were injected at 0 and 24 hours with LPS to induce proteinuria. At 48 hours (peak proteinuria), mice received empty vector, POD-dynWT, POD-dynL356Q, or POD-dynR725A. Urinary protein levels were determined 12 hours after injection. Each bar represents at least 10 animals.