TFIIB forms a complex on DNA with YY1.
(A) Band-shift assay of YY1–DNA interactions in a
polyacrylamide gel. The components added to band-shift assays are
indicated at the top of the autoradiograms. Lanes: B, TFIIB; Y, YY1; T,
TBP; DNA, a 22-bp oligonucleotide with the YY1 binding site present at
+1 in the AAV P5 promoter or a 20-bp oligonucleotide with the TATA
motif present in the adenovirus major late promoter; and MDNA, a 22-bp
derivative of the YY1-binding site to which YY1 cannot bind (14).
(Top) Band-shift assay displays an autoradiogram where
32P-labeled probe DNA is detected. (Middle
and Bottom) Protein blots using antibody to YY1
(α-YY1) or TFIIB (α-TFIIB). Reactions for band-shift assays in
which proteins were transferred to membranes received 25-fold more of
each protein than was used in standard band-shift assays. The positions
of free DNA, F, and protein–DNA complexes, C, are indicated.
(B) Band-shift assay in an agarose gel showing that TFIIB,
YY1 and DNA form a complex. Components added to assays are as in
A. The YY1–TFIIB–DNA complex was unstable during
analysis in agarose, as evidenced by the substantial reduction in the
amount of free DNA without a concomitant increase in the band
corresponding to the complex (lane 3). (C) Analysis of
proteins present in shifted complexes. Complexes present in the agarose
gel displayed in B were excised, and their protein
constituents were analyzed by electrophoresis in an SDS-containing
polyacrylamide gel. Purified YY1 (Y) and TFIIB (B) were included as