Figure 4.
Segmental duplications in the inversion breakpoint interval. The human genomic sequence encompassing the most proximal PTR XVp probe (RP11-360J18) and most distal PTR XVq probe (RP11-736I24) was extracted from the genome assembly (November 2002) and sequence-similarity searches performed against the entire human genome (see Materials and methods). The output was displayed using the program Parasight (Jeff Bailey, unpublished work), which shows pairwise alignments as colored horizontal boxes below the heavy black line, which represents the 1 Mb interval. The color-coding of each horizontal box is a reflection of the sequence similarity of the alignment: 100-99% is indicated in red, 99-97% in orange, 97-95% in yellow, 95-93% in green, 93-91% in blue and 91-89% in purple. *Additional putative duplicons; these may, however, be artifacts of assembly and they require further verification.