TCR Vβ repertoire of HCV class II tetramer–positive cells. (a) Fresh PBMCs from subject 01-40 were stained with DR4–HCV 1248 tetramer, positively selected by labeling with anti-PE microbeads, and then split into separate tubes for staining with a panel of 16 Vβ antibodies. (b and c) Similarly, short-term stimulated HCV-specific CD4 T cell lines from subjects 01-40 (b) and 98A (c) were stained with DR4–HCV 1248 and subsequently stained with the 16 Vβ antibodies. The Vβ antibodies that positively stained DR4–HCV 1248+ cells are shown for each subject, as well as an example of a negative control Vβ antibody that did not stain the tetramer-positive cells. In subject 98A, the frequency of T cells in bulk PBMCs expressing Vβ5.1 and Vβ12 was 6.6% and 2.2% of CD4 T cells, respectively.