(a) Measurement of eosinophil numbers in the BALF from mice treated with PBS, OVA, or OVA/IFA at birth, and aeroallergen challenged at 4 weeks of age. Eosinophilia was measured after aerosol. (b) Measurement of eosinophil numbers in the BALF from mice treated with PBS, OVA, or OVA/IFA at birth. Eosinophilia was measured in mice given PBS, OVA, or OVA/IFA at birth after i.p. injections of OVA/alhydrogel at 4 weeks of age and aeroallergen challenge 12 days later (P < 0.01 for 1 mg OVA vs. others, n = 8). (c) Measurement of airways constriction in response to β-methacholine stimulation after OVA/alum and aeroallergen challenge. Mice were neonatally treated with 1 mg OVA (○) or PBS (•). Results are presented as a percentage of maximal airways occlusion obtained by totally occluding the tracheal cannula (P < 0.01, n = 4).