Constitutive expression of p75 c-Myb, p89 c-Myb, and p75Δlz c-Myb in 32Dcl3 cells. p75c-myb, p89c-myb, and p75Δlz-c-myb cDNAs in the pMT-neo vector were transfected into 32Dcl3 cells. and mass cultures as well as single cell clones were established. (A and D) Northern blot analysis of total RNA extracted from different cell lines with a full-length c-myb cDNA probe. Endogenous c-myb transcript (upper band) and exogenous p75c-myb transcript (lower band in panel A), p89c-myb transcript (middle band in panel A), and p75Δlz-c-myb transcript (lower band in panel D) are shown. As an internal control for RNA loading, blots were stripped and reprobed with full-length GAPDH cDNA (shown below). (B and E) Expression of c-Myb protein in the presence of IL-3 in empty-vector-, p75c-myb-, and p89c-myb-transfected cells (B) and p75Δlz-c-myb-transfected cells (E). (C and F) Expression of c-Myb protein in the presence of G-CSF for 10 days in empty-vector-, p75c-myb- and p89c-myb-transfected cells (C) and p75Δlz-c-myb-transfected cells (F). −Zn and +Zn indicate the absence and presence, respectively, of 100 μM ZnCl2 used to induce the expression of different transgenes in the metallothionein promoter-based constructs.