Fig. 1.
Detection of FXIa in plasma. (A) Standard curves for the FXIa–C1inh ELISA. PPP or PRP prepared from citrated blood was incubated with the indicated concentrations of FXIa. Diluted samples containing 10% or 0.2% plasma were analyzed (FXIa concentration reflects the concentration in the undiluted plasma). Each data point is run in duplicates with standard deviation typically below 10% of the signal. A representative experiment out of >10 experiments conducted with blood from four different donors is shown. (B) FXIa levels in PPP, PRP, and PPP reconstituted with washed activated platelets, stimulated with different procoagulants. Plasma samples from healthy donors were stimulated by the indicated procoagulants and the resulting FXIa-C1 inhibitor complexes were determined by ELISA. The average ± standard deviation for all donors tested (in pM) is shown, with the number of donors in parenthesis. The average lower limit of detection defined as the concentration of FXIa which gives a signal 2-fold higher than the background was 26 ± 11 pM for PPP, 19 ± 9 pM for PRP, and 26 ± 7 pM for PRP with washed activated platelets. BQL, below quantification limit.