Fig. 3.
Regenerating axons contain SUMO that colocalizes with La and dynein. DRG cultures were colabeled with xenon-labeled GMP1, mouse anti-La, anti-KHC-H2, and anti-IC74, as indicated. Signals for human anti-La were detected by indirect immunofluorescence. Single xy planes of midaxon shaft of 24-h injury-conditioned DRG cultures are shown. Note that signals detected by the mouse anti-La show focal colocalization with dynein and SUMO1 (arrows). Conversely, the signals detected by the human anti-La, which does recognize SUMO-La, show focal colocalization with kinesin (arrows) but no overlap with SUMO1 or dynein. Signals for SUMO1 show focal colocalization with dynein (arrows) but no overlap with kinesin. (Scale bar: 10 μm.)