Zinc binding promotes tetramerization of HIV-1
integrase. (A) Gel filtration of integrase
(IN1–288/F185K/C280S) on Superdex 200 after dialysis
against buffer A containing EDTA (solid line) or zinc (dotted line).
The zinc-dialyzed protein eluted at the expected position for tetramers
(relative to globular protein standards). The EDTA-dialyzed protein
eluted at the expected position for dimers. The peak elution times of
chymotrypsinogen A (25 kDa), ovalbumin (43 kDa), bovine serum
albumin (67 kDa), and aldolase (158 kDa) standards are indicated.
(B) Integrase lacking the C-terminal domain
(IN1–212/F185K) eluted exclusively as dimers after
dialysis against EDTA or zinc. (C) Integrase lacking the
N-terminal domain (IN50–288/F185K/C280S) eluted
predominantly as dimers, with a trailing edge toward the tetramer
position, after dialysis against EDTA or zinc.