Demonstrating the effect of the environment on
the nature of hydrogen bonding and the independence of our conclusions
on the model used. The figure considers the HO− HOH system
in vacuum and in water, representing the results of ref. 22 in a
schematic way. Gas-phase calculations are presented for a single
distance R = 2.4 Å between the oxygen atoms, while the
calculations in solution are presented for both R =
2.8 Å (——) and for a least energy path where R is
allowed to change upon displacement of the hydrogen (---). The distance
R is short in vacuum, and the corresponding potential
for proton motion is flat, reflecting the fact that
H12 is similar in magnitude to
Δg′dia. On the other hand, in polar medium, a
barrier is induced because the concentrated charge of the
O−1 H—O configuration is solvated more than the
charge distribution. Now Δg′dia has a large
solvent contribution and becomes larger than
H12. Both the AI and the EVB calculations
confirm that the short bond in vacuum is indeed strong and that in
water a longer OHB is the most stabilized form. Furthermore, it is
clear that the ordinary bond in water is more stable than the
“strong” bond in vacuum.